Trains and Railways

Trains and Railways was a British railway magazine that was published for just over two years (three volumes,number three) by the New English Library.

The first issue was released in 1973 [1] .The magazine was monthly from the start and contained many colour pictures compared to many other railway magazines of the time.


Trains and Railways covered many aspects of international railways. An example of contents from the first issue is below [2]

  1. Railway Heraldry and Liveries 1- Great Central Railway
  2. Great Locomotive Engineers
  3. Railway Postcards
  4. Cuneo Print Offer ( advert related to publishers)
  5. The Lickey Incline
  6. The locomotive Club of Great Britain [1]
  7. The Traveller
  8. Picture Gallery
  9. Money in Tourist Railways
  10. Picture Quiz

Final Monthly Issue

Trains and Railways ended suddenly in the third issue of volume three.

A black box on the second page explained- " Sadly, this is the last issue of Trains and Railways in its present form as a monthly magazine. Escalating costs are no strangers these days and this applies to publishing along with most other businesses:the plain fact of the matter is that to keep the price of the magazine within the bounds of reality [it was 35p at the time] colour content would have to be reduced drastically. Rather than cut quality it has been decided to cease monthly publications and concentrate on Trains and Railways special issues similar to the best selling 'Stockton & Darlington Railway'... " [3]

The rest of the final magazine continued in the regular format.


  1. ^
  2. ^ Volume 1.Number 1.Trains and Railways.New English Library, 1974, p. 2
  3. ^ Volume 3. Number 3.Trains and Railways.New English Library, 1975, p. 2